Rebecca & Patrick's Live Webcast

live webcast hub


  • Today at 7:52 AM
  • Admin Mike_Ha
    07:52 AM
    We are on location and setting up. We will let you know when we’re about to begin. Until then, hang tight!
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  • Carm -El
    08:04 AM
    Hello, This is Carmen and Eleanor. A/k
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  • Melissa 22
    08:05 AM
    Hiiii Carmen. It’s Melissa. I’m so excited
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  • Carm -El
    08:06 AM
    A/k/A. Carm – El
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  • Carm -El
    08:07 AM
    Hi Melissa. We are excited also
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  • Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)
    08:07 AM
    We can’t wait to feel the love + magic 💍💎😳🏖🌺🌸🌊 hello everyone from Colorado!!
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  • Carm -El
    08:09 AM
    hi Aundrea
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    Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Carm -El
    08:09 AM
    hi Dan
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  • Carm -El
    08:10 AM
    yes we feel the love also !💕
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    Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Mara McL
    08:11 AM
    Hi Carm! You’re Rebecca’s dad, right?
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  • Carm -El
    08:12 AM
    Yes, I am and so proud of it🥰
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    Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • melissa 1122
    08:13 AM
    i have my tissues ready haha
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  • Mara McL
    08:13 AM
    Yes! I bet you are! I met you a long long time ago, at your house, with your father there – I’m Mara from Portland😀 congratulations!
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  • Carm -El
    08:15 AM
    Thank You Very Much !
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  • Admin Mike_Ha
    08:17 AM
    We might run a little bit late. Stay tuned
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  • Carm -El
    08:18 AM
    HaHa. I havw
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  • jonathan and mulder
    08:18 AM
    very fitting for my sister’s wedding!
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    Leslie Whitaker, Wunder, Mara McL

    Jusania, Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Carm -El
    08:18 AM
    i have always known my daughter to be late … LOL
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  • melissa 1122
    08:19 AM
    very true jon haha
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  • Jim Sumner
    08:19 AM
    Can’t wait to watch. Congrats Pat+Rebecca! My boy all grown up 😁
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    Blaine Elliott

    Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Mara McL
    08:22 AM
    Hi Jonathan! I hung out with you on the rock like 20 years ago on my first-ever visit to NYC! Hi Mulder! Your picture is on my fridge, you’re so adorable! Fun that you get to watch this with Uncle Jonathan! 😍
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  • Carm -El
    08:23 AM
    Yes, I agree. I am so proud of Patrick!
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  • Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)
    08:23 AM
    Today is also Harald’s birthday 🎉 Patrick’s brother -in-law! Very special day!
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  • jonathan and mulder
    08:23 AM
    Hi Mara, we also met when you were staying with my sister here inLA
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  • kelly raftery
    08:23 AM
    Can’t wait to see the beautiful, bride! ❤️🙏
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    Leslie Whitaker

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  • melissa 1122
    08:24 AM
    rebecca said she’s driving to the beach now I’m nervous like its my own wedding haha
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    Leslie Whitaker

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  • Mara McL
    08:24 AM
    omg lol Rebecca
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  • Mara McL
    08:24 AM
    Hi Kelly!
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  • Wunder
    08:25 AM
    I’m so excited 😍
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    Leslie Whitaker

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  • Admin Mike_Ha
    08:25 AM
    Estimated start date 8.40am ish
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:26 AM
    Have a few moments between patients and can’t wait to see the bride and groom!!
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    Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Blaine Elliott
    08:27 AM
    Big virtual congrats to Pat & Rebecca! 🍾
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  • kelly raftery
    08:27 AM
    Hi Mar and Lisa and Carmen! 🙂
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  • melissa 1122
    08:27 AM
    hey wunderrrrr i wish we were all there together xoxox
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  • Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)
    08:27 AM
    Hello Jessica 💃💃💃
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  • Kathleen R
    08:27 AM
    🙏❤️👰🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 so exciting 🥰
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  • Carm -El
    08:28 AM
    Hey Poodles 😘
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  • Kathleen R
    08:28 AM
    Carmen!! ❤️ Love and miss you.
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  • Wunder
    08:29 AM
    Hi Carmen and all the cops
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  • Wunder
    08:29 AM
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    Wunder, Mara McL

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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:30 AM
    Hi, all! This is beyond exciting!!! So happy to be watching and waiting here with you all 🙂 xoxo
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  • Kathleen R
    08:31 AM
    Leslie 😍❤️🙏
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  • dad/mom
    08:31 AM
    HELO EVERYONE, we don’t know if are messages are going thru
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    Leslie Whitaker

    Mara McL, Aundrea (Patrick’s sister)

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  • Kathleen R
    08:31 AM
    ^ they are 🙂
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  • Carm -El
    08:31 AM
    Hi Leslie, missed you in LA
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  • Bridgette francis
    08:31 AM
    Yayyy! Any stream yet?😍
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  • Kien
    08:31 AM
    Excited!!! Is the stream popping up soon?
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  • Dorian PArisi
    08:32 AM
    no stream yet
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  • Carm -El
    08:32 AM
    Hi Aundrea. Hi Dan. They are now. So nice to meet you here
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:33 AM
    Carmen, yes! It’s a shame I was away when you were LA, I would have given anything to see the…”Father of the Bride” ! Love you ❤️
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:34 AM
    Hey Dorian! Happy for you and your fam, too! Sending a hug 🙂
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  • Stephen Bruner
    08:34 AM
    I’m so stoked for you Patrick and Rebecca!!
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:35 AM
    What’s taking so long? Ha ha!
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:35 AM
    Must be internet difficulties.
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  • Kathleen R
    08:35 AM
    People are chill in Hawaii and relaxed with time 😆
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  • Dorian PArisi
    08:35 AM
    Hey Leslie long time no see
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  • Dorian PArisi
    08:36 AM
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  • dad/mom
    08:36 AM
    We are waiting to see this lovely bride marry our son. We love them both dearly.
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  • Carm -El
    08:36 AM
    So how are the parents of the Groom . Looking forward to the day we eventually in person. You should be so proud of your Son !
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:36 AM
    Yes…island time for sure.
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  • Carm -El
    08:36 AM
    eventually meet
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:37 AM
    Patrick is the all-time-best!!!! A truly wonderful man. Sooo excited for these two, they both hit the jackpot!!!
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    Mara McL, Kathleen R

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  • dad/mom
    08:37 AM
    We are so very proud of our son and we are so looking forward to meeting our new family.
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    Leslie Whitaker

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  • Bridgette f
    08:38 AM
    I’m so happy to be here waiting I was so nervous I’d miss it bc I tea til 2:30. What an Amazing couple to celebrate
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  • melissa 1122
    08:38 AM
    can anyone hear anything yet
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  • Dorian PArisi
    08:39 AM
    i can’t yet
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  • Kathleen R
    08:39 AM
    I echo the sentiments. A beautiful couple, grateful to be able to share this day.❤️
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  • Kathleen R
    08:39 AM
    I heard audio for a second the other went away
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  • Stephan – Admin
    08:40 AM
    When the videographer mics up the groom and minister, he turns the volume down.
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  • Mara McL
    08:41 AM
    Yay, there they are!!!!
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  • Daniel Jr
    08:41 AM
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  • Admin Mike_Ha
    08:41 AM
    Bride and groom getting some instructions
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  • Mara McL
    08:41 AM
    this is awesome, so grateful to be included on this special day! ❤️
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  • Admin Mike_Ha
    08:42 AM
    I’ll switch on the sound in a second
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  • Kathleen R
    08:42 AM
    They look stunning as is the backdrop!
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  • melissa 1122
    08:43 AM
    ok thank you
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  • dad/mom
    08:43 AM
    gosh I am so nervous this is Pats mom….. I think these happy tears are starting to form already🥺
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    Jim Sumner

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  • Daniel Jr
    08:43 AM
    look at my little brother!!!! looking great!
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    jonathan and mulder

    Jim Sumner

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  • melissa 1122
    08:45 AM
    come on mike haha I’m dying here
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:46 AM
    this is sooooo sweet
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    Dorian PArisi

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  • Daniel Jr
    08:46 AM
    no sound yet
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:46 AM
    I’m totally choking back tears!
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:46 AM
    I can hear
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  • dad/mom
    08:46 AM
    Omgosh we can’t read lips 🙃
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:46 AM
    Maybe refresh
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  • Daniel Jr
    08:46 AM
    I can now
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  • melissa 1122
    08:46 AM
    aaahhhh i want to hear
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:46 AM
    Ukelele guy is just singing
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:46 AM
    there is sound, try pressing the speaker icon
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  • Daniel Jr
    08:46 AM
    Refresh your browser
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  • dad/mom
    08:46 AM
    yes thank you
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    08:47 AM
    aww the little birdie!
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  • dad/mom
    08:47 AM
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  • Stephan – Admin
    08:48 AM
    refresh the browser and sound will be on
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  • Mara McL
    08:49 AM
    gorgeous couple ❤️❤️
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  • Mara McL
    08:51 AM
    hoa aloha
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  • New – Today at 8:59 AM
  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    08:59 AM
    Love the kayaks in the background
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    09:00 AM
    Aw! Crying!!😭
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  • dad/mom
    09:02 AM
    me tooooo
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  • Jim Sumner
    09:03 AM
    WOOHOOO! 🍾🥂Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Muniz!
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  • Daniel Jr
    09:04 AM
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    09:04 AM
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  • Mara McL
    09:04 AM
    cute cute cute aw adorable!!!!
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  • Dorian PArisi
    09:04 AM
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  • Jessica (Pat’s sister in law)
    09:04 AM
    They did it!!
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  • Jusania
    09:04 AM
    Congratulations! 💐
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  • Mara McL
    09:05 AM
    Congratulations to the happy couple and all who get to enjoy their love! 🦋💕
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  • Blaine Elliott
    09:05 AM
    Congrats Mr & Mrs Muniz! 🎉🎉🎉
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  • Kathleen R
    09:05 AM
    Yay congrats!!!!!🍾🎉🎈
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  • Leslie Whitaker
    09:05 AM
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  • jonathan and mulder
    09:06 AM
    Elvis, very fitting 🙂
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    jonathan and mulder, Leslie Whitaker

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  • dad/mom
    09:07 AM
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  • dad/mom
    09:07 AM
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  • Onj P
    09:07 AM
    Congratulations Patrick & Rebecca!! 🎉🎉🎉
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  • dad/mom
    09:07 AM
    She is so beautiful
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    Jusania, Wunder, jonathan and mulder, Dorian PArisi

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  • Judy Muniz
    09:09 AM
    Congratulations Patrick you both look beautiful 😍
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  • dad/mom
    09:12 AM
    mom and I will have a Champaign toast now to Pat and Rebecca…..chears
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